@Jeffro: then do explain how people are getting it when they are masked and/or isolated where the only form of transmission is a shared air supply.
Here is a source: https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(21)00869-2/fulltext
The Lancet is a strongly left-wing source: There is consistent, strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 spreads by airborne transmission. Although other routes can contribute, we believe that the airborne route is likely to be dominant.In regards VAERS, they are by and large filed by medical professionals who have a reason to believe a link exists between the death and the vaccine, they include medical data that qualifies as a potential link. It’s not that you get in a car accident and you are reported in VAERS. For the first 3 months of COVID we had a “believe the healthcare professionals”, now when it comes to vaccination, we have “don’t believe the 40-60% of healthcare professionals that don’t vaccinate themselves and/or file reports and complaints”
Even though it is a small number, my point is that the media is picking up reports around the globe in regards young people, who aren’t at risk getting or having adverse effects from COVID, developing problems after receiving the vaccine. Note that vaccinating these groups of people at this point in time is wholly unnecessary, and the drive for vaccination is purely based on threats and fear. Thus any excess death is caused by governments and a media with reporting that is killing people that wouldn’t have died otherwise. We don’t vaccinate for polio and a lot of other things when you get out of the womb, some vaccines are held back until you are 3 years old, while others are held back until you are a teenager, sexually actively, get in an accident or get to be of certain age. Because we know the long term risks of those vaccines, we have made these decisions in healthcare. These longitudinal studies don’t exist yet for the covid vaccines.
I’m not a vaccine denier, I believe the vaccines work. But they carry a risk and for the elderly, that risk is lower than the risk of COVID, so if you are elderly, take it, it’s probably for the best. However if you’re under 55 and healthy, the risk of the vaccine is currently greater than COVID. That isn’t the message though.